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DMA (Data & Marketing Association) Reports Direct Mail has Highest Response Rates

You guessed it: Direct Mail wins again. The power of print has outshined digital marketing by a landslide. According to statistics, recipients of direct mail find it captivating. By using new print technology and real-time data marketers can create highly effective eye-catching mailing pieces. Don’t believe me? Below are some tips and stats which I’ll let do the talking:


Direct mail household response rates are 5.1% (compared to 0.6% email, 0.6% paid search, 0.2% online display, 0.4% social media). This is the highest response rate the DMA has ever reported, since coming out with the Response Rate Report in 2003.

Direct mail median household return on investment is 29% (compared to 124% email, 23% paid search, 16% online display, 30% social media).

At 6.6%, oversized envelopes have the greatest household response rates over other mediums (followed by postcards at 5.7% and letter-sized envelopes at 4.3%).

At 37%, oversized envelopes have the greatest household return on investment over other mediums (followed by postcards and letter-sized envelopes at 29%).

The response rate for direct mail among people aged 18-21 years old is 12.4%.

The top response rate tracking methods are online tracking such as PURLs (61%), call center or telephone (53%), and code or coupon (42%).

For every $167 spent on direct mail in the US, marketers sell $2095 in goods.

Tips for your next Direct Mailing Piece: Personalization

Strong Creative Content and Offer/Ask to demand a Call-to-Action

Cross-Channel Marketing and Tracking

Add in Digital aspects: VR virtual reality, AR augmented reality, QR codes

Temple University’s Fox School of Business says the reason people respond differently to physical pieces of mail rather than digital is that it triggers activity in the part of the brain that corresponds with value and desirability, and because of this it results in people spending more time with the piece and having a stronger emotional response.

The Bottom Line – Direct mail has the greatest impact because it offers a tangible experience for the recipient and oversized pieces stand out the most.


1.) DMA Response Rate Report

For more information on how Premier can help you with your Direct Mailing needs email us at

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